Learn to guide your life


 Sinchronicity and the laws of the Universe can't do anything but execute our desires,but we need to know the Laws and the complexity
that surrounds us to set our present and our future.

Spiritual Physics created by Damanhur's School, represents the ideal method to join the wisdom of the esoteric schools of the past, with the scientific modern language. The course will offer a theoretical part and a practical part, to experiment together.


Gnomo Orzo will be the teacher, faculty member of Olami Damanhur University, spiritual researcher.

The course will be given in English

Datum: 14 oktober 2012
Lokatie: De Cristallijn , Beuningen (Nijmegen)
Prijs: Bij aanmelding en betaling voor 30 september 2012 80,-, daarna €90,-
Tijd: van 10.00 tot 17.00 uur met een uur lunchtijd

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